Illnesses and Medical Matters

Notifying the School of Your Child’s Illness

If your child is unable to attend school, it is the parent’s responsibility to contact the school on the first day of absence.  Please telephone the school by 9:00 am (a message may be left on our Absence Line) or email us at  If we do not hear from you we will try to make contact with you to confirm the reason for absence.  For each day of their absence you will need to call us so that we can ensure your child’s safety and prevent truancy.


We take particular care to prevent outbreaks of tummy upsets. Please keep your child off school for 48 hours after the last attack of diarrhoea or vomiting. This is important to stop the spread of infection.

Please remind your child to wash his/her hands after going to the toilet.

Exclusion Times for Infectious Illnesses and Skin Conditions from Public Health

Illness Exclusion Time
Chickenpox Six days after rash appears
German Measles (Rubella) Exclude for 5 days from the appearance of the rash
Measles Four days after rash appears, date of rash onset is day 0
Mumps Exclude the affected individual until 5 days after the onset of swelling and well enough to return
Whooping Cough Seven days after treatment started
Conjunctivitis Exclusion is not required
Impetigo Exclude until all lesions (sores or blisters) are crusted over or until 48 hours after commencing antibiotic treatment
Verrucca Cover infected area when participating in barefoot activities
Scabies Exclude the affected individual until after the first treatment has been completed
Ringworm Until treatment started
 Head Lice Exclusion is not required but treatment for the whole family should be started as soon as possible
 Stomach Upset/Diarrhoea  48 hours after the last attack

Administration of Medicines

There may be occasions when a child returns to school after an illness when a course of treatment is not finished. Medicines prescribed for 3 times a day should be given at home; morning, afternoon and bedtime. Medicines will only be administered at school where more than 3 doses a day are required and on completion of the ‘Request for Medication to be administered at School’ form. All medicines requiring 4 doses a day may have the second dose at 12 noon. This must be prescribed medicine and have the original prescription labels detailing the child’s name and dose. Medication should be handed into the school office each morning and collected at the end of the day.

Please note that school staff supervise children taking medicines as a courtesy and not as a duty. Responsibility for childrens’ medication remains with the parents.

Children are encouraged to carry their own inhalers with them so that they are easily accessible when required. These inhalers should be labelled with their name and class.

For those medications that need to be administered on a long term basis, please contact the Headteacher for advice.

Medical Information

Parents must complete a school medical form for all children who have a long term medical need. Contact details must be up to date at all times. When the school may need to make different provision for a child with a long term medical need, parents will be contacted by the School Nurse to complete a more detailed healthcare plan.

First Aid/ Sickness in School

The school has a number of qualified First Aiders among the staff. First Aid in school is intended for minor ailments, nosebleeds, bumps and grazes only. It provides for an otherwise healthy child to continue their day in school.

Children who complain of being unwell, or who need more specialist treatment will be sent home. It is therefore essential that the school has a current daytime telephone number for this purpose and an alternative person to contact should you be out.

Sun Safety

We encourage our children to be safe in the sun. Please put sun tan lotion on your child before they come to school if necessary. Please note that sun creams are not allowed in school due to the risk of allergies.
Advice from NHS Direct