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COVID catch-up premium spending 2021-2022: summary 

Summary information 
Total number of pupils:  209 pupils (Yr R – Yr 6)  Amount of catch-up premium received per pupil:  £28 
Total catch-up premium budget:  £6,000     



Strategy statement 
·   To identify pupils within each year group who gaps in skills and knowledge September 2021 

·   To ensure that the attainment gap which widened as created by Covid 19 for specific pupils is reduced. 

·   To reduce the attainment gap of the bottom 20% pupils whose progress has been affected by Covid -19 school closures. 

·   To continue to reduce the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. 




Barriers to learning 

23% of children at Bearwood Primary and Nursery School are in receipt of pupil premium funding.  We strive to ensure that the individual needs of our pupils are met, including our most vulnerable pupils.  We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to our vulnerable groups, ensuring that the needs of such pupils adequately assessed and addressed.  Our focus through the Catch Up Premium Strategy will be aimed at accelerating progress and overcoming barriers, in order to address any gaps in learning as a result of COVID-19. 

Due to the continual nature of the teacher, assessment and learning cycle, pupils whose progress is being impacted as a result of COVID -19 will be identified and Catch Up provision will be provided. 

The vast majority of our pupils engaged in home learning during lockdown’s and when classes were isolating however, we recognise that the level of engagement did vary due to personal circumstances of families.  Though we ensured that all pupils had access to laptops, tablets and internet dongles and where appropriate paper packs the learning environment for pupils at home hugely varied which led to some pupils not making the same progress as others.  Eg overcrowding, parental work commitments etc 

barriers to future attainment 
Academic barriers 
A  Year 2 30% of the cohort are working below expectations in phonics which will have a direct impact on reading and writing attainment. 
B  A group of pupils have been identified across the school as having fallen behind in attainment and/or progress in Reading Writing and/or Maths. 
C  Year 4 pupils have been identified as having a higher number of pupils vulnerable to Social and Emotional needs. 
D  Lowest 20% in each cohort working below ARE in Reading, GPS & maths. 
E  KS2 30% of pupils are working below expectations in maths, reading and writing 



Planned expenditure for current academic year 


Quality of teaching for all 
Action  Intended outcome and success criteria  What’s the evidence and rationale for this choice?  How will you make sure it’s implemented well?  Staff lead   
Whole staff CPD to ensure that all pupils are given the tools they need to develop independence as learners. 


Staff CPD on using strategies to develop independent learning – Scaffolding – task design, modelling, learning environment, sequence of lessons, pupil engagement 


Planning will demonstrate a range of strategies dependent on the needs of the pupils and the subject area. 


Learning walks demonstrate that strategies are being implemented and pupils are accessing and engaging in learning independently. 


Pupils make rapid progress and close the attainment gap which is the result of COVID 19. 

As a result of lockdowns we have identified that pupils are less independent as learners and look to the adult to provide answers.  Pupils are less confident to grapple with challenging learning and ‘give up’.  ·   Whole school inset to introduce strategies. 

·   Half termly focus on each strategy. 

·   Monitoring through learning walks and lesson observations. 

Monitoring of planning 

Pupil voice. 

Coaching to support staff who need support to develop further. 

Resources purchased to support independence e.g. extra class texts, IT equipment 

HT – initial inset. 

SENCO and ENG/Maths leads to promote strategies through their role. 


Termly review 
Total budgeted cost:  Resourcing £500 
EYFS/Phonics/KS1  Bearwood  BCP Local Authority  NCER National 
GLD  77%  68%  65% 
Phonics  77%  76%  76% 
KS1 Reading EXS  64.5%  69.5%  67.1% 
KS1 Reading GDS  12.9%  21.8%  18.1% 
KS1 Writing EXS  64.5%  60.4%  57.9% 
KS1 Writing GDS  9.7%  8.7%  8.1% 
KS1 Maths EXS  74.2%  71.7%  67.9% 
KS1 Maths GDS  16.1%  18.9%  15.2% 
Combined RWM KS1  58.1%  56.5%  53.6% 
Combined RWM GDS  9.7%  7.3%  6% 



Key stage 2  Bearwood  BCP Local Authority  NCER National 
KS2 Reading EXS  76%  74.8%  74.4% 
KS2 Reading GDS  32%  28.8%  27.8% 
Reading scaled score  103.9  104.9  104.8 
KS2 Writing EXS  76%  71.5%  69.6% 
KS2 Writing GDS  24%  14.5%  13% 
KS2 Maths EXS  76%  72.8%  71.2% 
KS2 Maths GDS  28%  25%  22.5% 
Maths Scaled score  105.7  104.1  103.8 
KS2 GPS EXS  76%  73.5%  72.3% 
KS2 GPS GDS  28%  30.9%  28.2% 
Combined EXS  68%  60.3%  58.7% 
Combined GDS  12%  8.3%  7.3% 


Targeted support 
Action  Intended outcome and success criteria  What’s the evidence and rationale for this choice?  How will you make sure it’s implemented well?  Staff lead  When will you review this? 
Recap training in phonics – whole class approach with targeted support. 

Recap reading sequence – adjust proportion of decoding /comprehension according to pupils’ identified gaps. 

Half termly phonic screening. 

Target group identified: 

Assessment of specific needs for each pupil. 

1:1 catch up tuition to address the phonic gaps. 

Introduce Phonic Shed for EYFS to ensure that there is a coherent approach to phonics moving forward across the school. 


Implement firstclass@number to close the gap in maths 

All pupils rapidly recover reading skills (including phonics) so that they meet ARE. 


End of Autumn 2 phonnics test 87% 


12-18 months progress made by pupils who complete the first class @ number programme. 

Autumn term reading and phonic assessments which demonstrated that 30% of the pupils were working below ARE. 


COVID and lockdown has enhanced the need to ensure that wwe are tackling pupils who have difficulties with basic maths concepts. 


·   Half termly phonic screening. 

·   Half termly pupil progress meetings. 

·   Half termly reading conference with identified pupils to assess progress. 


DHT/ English lead  Ongoing – end of year impact below 
Total budgeted cost:  Tuition costs £500 

Phonic Shed – £650 

First class@number – £720 

Year 1  EYFS baseline  Sept 




Jan 2022  March 2022  May 2022  June 2022 
           Pupil A  ARE  7  20  22  25  28  35 
Pupil B  WTS  A    0    A  1 
Pupil C  WTS  4  8  8  14  15  33 
Pupil D  WTS  0  2  5  5  7  10 
Pupil E            24  27 
Pupil F  ARE  12  20  25  32  32  38 
Pupil G  ARE  7  13  23  29  32  34 
Pupil H  WTS  0  1  9  18  25  29 
Pupil I  N/A  23  32  A  37  37  38 



















(Keep Up approach – Little Wandle)  


  • Baseline – 6/9 scoring below 7 in phonics assessment 
  • 5/9 (55%) passed the phonics screening 
  • Pupil E joined in the beginning of June 
  • Pupil H has made rapid progress and is targeted for the end of Summer 2022 to pass 
  • Pupil C made rapid progress from WTS to passing phonics 
  • Combined pass mark 35.6 shows a secure pass mark 
  • Pupil B is awaiting specialist provision 


Year 2 Phonics –  

  EYFS profile  Sept 20  May  




Sept 21  SEPT  


Nov 21  Feb 22  May  June 


Pupil A  EXC  11    35  35    38       
  EM  13    36  28  35  36       
C    2  24  26  20  23  30       
D  EM  0  30  32  20  30  33       
E  EM  0    1  2    4  9  8  7 
F  EXC  15    38  35    34       
G    0  9  7  8    8  23  30  33 
    16    36  31    37       
Year 3  Phonic screen  

Yr 1 

Phonic screen  

Yr 2 

Phonic screen  

Yr 3 

Pupil A – JP               


(Keep Up approach – Little Wandle)  


  • 8 PP pupils – 6/8 (75%) passed phonics screening in Autumn Term 2022 when Year 2 took the official screening 
  • Of those 6 PP pupils, 2 were emerging at the end of EYFS and made accelerated progress to achieve phonics 
  • Average pass mark for the PP pupils was 34.6%  
  • Of the 2 pupils who did not pass phonics in Autumn 2021, 1 passed in Summer 2022 with a score of 33 from a baseline of 8 in Autumn 2021.  
  • The other pupil is on the SEN register.  Despite rigorous phonic intervention, one child on the SEND register has not made expected progress. We will now adopt a ‘whole word’ approach to develop her sight vocabulary and monitor her progress. 


First Class at Number Intervention – Year 2 pupil 

Data for 1st Class @ Number 1 
Pupil  Entry data   Exit data   PP  SEN  EAL  SATS TA  No. of lessons  
Pupil 1  0%  40%        EXS  29/30 
Pupil 2  0%  *        WTS  16/30 
Pupil 3  0%  60%        EXS  25/30 
Pupil 4  20%  64%        EXS  28/30 


  • One pupil made accelerated progress from EME starting point to EXS  
  • Three out of the four pupils were borderline when the intervention began. SATS and TA shows secure progress with scaled scores of 102, 106 and 100. 





First Class at Number Intervention – Year 3 and 4 pupils 

Data for 1st Class @ Number 2 
Pupil  Entry data   Exit data   PP  SEN  EAL  Gender (M/F)  No. of lessons  
1  92 (SS)  99 (SS)        F  20/30 
2  91 (SS)  96 (SS)        M  29/30 
3  94 (SS)  98 (SS)        F  25/30 


To provide catch up for the identified pupils who have fallen behind in attainment and progress in R,W and/or maths. 

To provide high skilled provision to all and intervention for pupils in bottom 20%. 

Identified group of pupils to make rapid progress and recover writing skills to make ARE.  End of year teaching assessments and baseline assessments 

Book scrutiny demonstrates that a significant group were not on track from their starting points. 

·   Book scrutiny’s 

·   Lesson observations 

·   Pupil progress meetings half termly 

·   Year group action plans to close gap for lowest 20% 

Total budgeted cost:  £2150 
Monitoring of lessons have shown that the provision for the bottom 20% is secure and interventions have been put in place as appropriate. Please see above for impact.  


TA’s have all attended training with Hamwic Education Trust in order to understand and develop their skills of scaffolding and supporting independent learning in class.  


Please see below for an example of how we target the pupils and expectations: 



*Example of next steps ‘catch up’ Year 2 pupils going into Year 3 


Year 2 

Year 2 – Progress  Reading  Writing  Maths 
Less than expected progress  29% (9 X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X,X  19% (6 chn)   19% (6 chn) X,XX,X,X,X 
On track  61%  78%  74% 
More than Expected  10%  3%  6% 
On track +  71%  81%  80% 





  Reading    Writing    Maths  Comments 
  EYFS  KS1 


  EYFS  KS1 


  EYFS  KS1 


(PP)  GDS  EXP          GDS  EXP  Very close – Cusp GDS when leaves Year 2 
B  EXP  WTS    EXP  WTS    EXP  WTS  Close to achieving ARE 
C (PP)  GDS  EXS    GDS  EXS    GDS  EXS  Attendance affecting progress 
D (PP)  EXS  WTS    EXS  WTS        Attendance affecting progress 
E  GDS  EXS              Comprehension barrier – Fluency strong 
F (PP) (SEN)  EXP  WTS    EXP  WTS    EXP  WTS   
  EXP  WTS    EXP  WTS         
H  EXP  WTS    EXP   WTS         
I  EXP  WTS               
J              EXP  WTS   
K (PP)              EXP  WTS   

Fallen behind in all three subjects      Should achieve by the end of Year 3 


Accelerated Progress  Reading  Writing  Maths 
  EYFS  Current  EYFS  Current  EYFS  Current 
R  EXP  GDS         
S (PP)  EME  EXS  Target for Year 3 – accelerated     
T (PP)  EME  EXS  Target for Year 3-accelerated     
U  EXP  GDS         
V  EXP  GDS  EXP  GDS     


Pupils in identified vulnerable groups supported socially and emotionally to ensure they are in the optimum state to learn. 

Pupil engagement officer working with identified pupils to provide additional support and teaching of managing emotions. 

Pupil engagement officer to work with families so that they can support their own child outside of school. 

Year 4 pupils to be more skilled at managing their emotions, enabling them to be more focused on their learning.  Year 4 pupils have been identified as having a higher number of pupils vulnerable to Social and Emotional needs.  Intervention and support was provided during year 3 and this had a positive impact on the cohort. However, there remains a small number of pupils who remain vulnerable and by providing continued support they will make good progress.  ·   Class teacher to be familiar with the EP report from last year and familiar with strategies which are currently in place. 

·   Weekly meetings with Pupil engagement worker who review progress. 

·   Half termly pupil progress meetings. 

·   Monitoring of behaviour logs half termly. 

·   Classroom observations 

Total budgeted cost:  £1000 
The Pupil and Family engagement worker has worked with pupils in need and this has supported their engagement in learning. The number of behaviour incidents have dramatically reduced from 16 incidents to 2 incidents.    
To provide targeted intervention in reading, GPS and maths for pupils in the bottom 20%. 

Use of Shine program to assess R, GPS and M. 

Use of Mark to identify gaps 

Shine to provide intervention materials to close specific gaps. 

Target group of pupils to make rapid progress in R,GPS & M to close the gap between themselves and their peers.  Following end of year teacher assessments and baseline assessments have identified a group of pupils whose progress is not in line with peers. 


·   Baseline assessment Autumn 1 to identify gaps and interventions. 

·   Termly monitoring progress of pupils (SLT) 

·   CT to track the smaller steps in progress to ensure that intervention is having an impact. 

H/T  Half termly 
Total budgeted cost:  £800 
NTS assessments have been used to inform planning and next steps for whole class, groups and individuals. The interventions above as well as the phonics, end of KS1 and end of KS2 results show that the school is broadly in line with the LA and National or better. This is a result of QFT and intervention    
Tuition provided through Century Tech 


Staff inset on Century Tech (2.9.21) 


Identifies gaps in knowledge and provides a personalised learning pathway to address misconceptions. 


To enable pupils to work on knowledge gaps and make rapid progress.  End of year teacher assessment in R,W & M has shown that 30% of pupils are working below ARE and this is a reduction from baseline. 

Pupils are not achieving their potential. 

·   Baseline assessment and exit assessments to measure progress. 

·   Book scrutiny 

·   Pupil progress meetings 

HT  Half termly pupil progress data evaluate impact of Century Tech. 
Total budgeted cost:  Computer package and training £1,200 
This has been used as a homework tool and specific intervention for individuals in class. The impact of this has been seen in the results and the accountability meetings on a termly basis.    
Grand total:  £6000 


Additional information 
·   Half termly pupil progress meetings – action plans to close the attainment gaps of pupils 

·   Pira, Puma, Salford and phonic screening assessments – data to be used to inform pupil Progress meetings 

·   Staff and pupil questionnaires about mental health 

·   Advice and guidance from EP and outreach