
Anti-Bullying Week (Monday 11th November 2024 – Friday 15th November 2024) is coordinated annually in England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. This year at Bearwood Primary and Nursery School our focus is ‘SPOT IT to STOP IT’.

Our aim is that by the end of the week all children will understand what bullying is, its impact on children’s wellbeing, and what children should do if they are being bullied or suspect someone else is being bullied. The children will take part in a number of assemblies and lessons throughout the week to explore these important questions.

Our initial Assembly in school where we showed this Youtube video from the NSPCC and a School Powerpoint.

Click Here to view a PDF version of the Powerpoint.

At Bearwood Primary and Nursery School we define bullying as

‘behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that

intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or

emotionally.’ We use the acronym STOP to define bullying to the

children – Several Times On Purpose. Bullying is hurtful behaviour that happens…

Bullying is





Bullying can take a number of forms and can take place in the classroom, playground, toilets, on the journey to and from school, outside school and in cyberspace. Bullying may be related to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, special educational needs or disabilities or appearance. It might be motivated by actual differences between children, or perceived differences.
At Bearwood Primary and Nursery School we do not tolerate bullying.

We nurture a culture of respect and believe that every member of our

school community has the right to feel safe and secure.

Our staff are committed to working together with children and their

families to combat and, hopefully in time, to eradicate bullying. Miss

Prince is the Anti-Bullying Champion and has additional training to deal

appropriately with concerns about bullying.

Children who are concerned about bullying are advised to make their feelings about unwanted hurtful behaviour clear to the person who is carrying it out. This helps potential perpetrators to recognise the impact of their actions and often prevents the continuation of unintentional hurtful behaviours.

We teach the children to use the simple phrase

“Please STOP, I don’t like that”

to communicate their feelings clearly and politely.

If unwanted hurtful behaviours continue children are advised to tell a

trusted adult. This week all the children will be encouraged to think about

which adults who can trust to help them resolve difficulties they

experience with bullying. They will have the opportunity to create ‘Helping

Hands’ posters to remind them who these adults are.

This week a number of children in Years 5 and 6 have been appointed as Peer Mentors. These children will have an important role in helping to tackle bullying at our school. They will receive training to help them to identify and deal with bullying behaviours, to manage conflict through peer mediation and to promote positive playtimes and pupil wellbeing.
As a Parent/Carer you can support your child by:

  • Advising your child to report any bullying to a member of staff
  • Being sympathetic and supportive towards your child, and reassuring them that appropriate action will be taken
  • Informing a member of staff of any suspected bullying, even if your child is not involved
  • Co-operating with the school if your child is accused of bullying

For more information on your responsibilities and the strategies we use to

prevent and respond to bullying please see our Anti-Bullying policy which

is updated annually and published on the school website.

We are extremely grateful for your ongoing support. If you have any questions about bullying or wish to discuss a concern please do not hesitate to me (Miss Prince – Pupil Engagement and Welfare Officer) via the school office on 01202 590703.

For more information on our approach to Bullying please refer to our Anti-Bullying Policy Click Here

Want to learn more about Bullying?

Please click on the link here.