The Anti-Bullying Alliance has lots of information and links to various other sites that are helpful, click here to view.
Criminal Exploitation, Child Sexual Exploitation and County Lines
To find out more information relating to the above, please visit the NSPCC Site by click here.
Family Information Services
The Family Information Service are here to help you with a range of matters relating to family life. If you’re a parent, grandparent or carer and have a question, contact us.
The service is free, confidential and impartial. We are here to help families with children and young people aged 0 to 19 or 0 to 25 for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The team and the Family Information Directory can provide information on local childcare, services and activities, and much more! We also offer a one to one brokerage service available to anyone who wants more help finding the right childcare or activities.
The SEND Local Offer provides information on activities and services for children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities.
Contact us:
by phone on 01202 093131 Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm and 9am to 4.30pm on Fridays
by email at
For information on services outside Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, use the Coram Family and Childcare Trust search facility to find a local Family Information Service.
Childline – under 19s can call 0800 1111 for free, confidential support
It is recognised that children are talking a lot about the Coronavirus and some are quite scared. Please be aware that children pick up on the news and some have access to social media, so please be mindful of what they are hearing and seeing. Give them some reassurance and a cuddle as it is such an unknown scenario for them and us. Below is a social story that is used to help reassure them, please share it with your children if needed.
Please also note that during this time, your children may have greater access to the internet and internet safety is very important. For further information about keeping your children safe online – Please click here
Getting children to complete a daily gratitude journal can help them focus on the people and things they are thankful for. Here’s some great tips to get you started.
A toolbox of activities such as breathing exercises, copying videos, coping videos, yoga videos and games that can help children feel calm in a period of disruption.
Chat Health is a confidential text messaging service that enables young people in Dorset to send health related questions via text to the school nursing team. The sender will be provided with advice and information, or signposted to additional services.
Child Mind Institute is offering telehealth evaluations and treatment for ADHD, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, autism spectrum disorders and learning disorders. They also have a range of online resources to support families.
This Youtube channel has free yoga and mindfulness videos, designed specifically for children. The colourful videos include yoga themed around popular children’s TV and film and a selection of guided relaxation.
Getting children to complete a daily gratitude journal can help them focus on the people and things they are thankful for. Here’s some great tips to get you started.
Dorset Mind Your Head aims to help young people cope with the stresses and strains of life in different ways. Young people can access the resources, tools, support and information they need to build resilience, learn how to deal with difficult emotions and live a mentally healthy life.
Every Mind Matters can help give you the skills to improve your mental health in a number of key areas including sleep, anxiety, low mood and stress. Answer a few simple questions to get an action plan that’s tailored to your needs.
Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. There is advice for a range of ages, as well as how to look after your own mental health.
Headspace is offering some meditations called ‘Weathering the storm’. It includes meditations, sleep, and movement exercises to help you out, however you’re feeling.
Kooth is an online service for young people in Dorset. It offers unlimited access to professional online counsellors and the opportunity to talk to other young people using the moderated forums.
Nip in the Bud is a charity that works with mental health professionals to produce FREE short evidence-based films and fact sheets that aim to help parents, educationalists and others working with children, recognise potential mental health conditions. The goal is to increase the prospects of early intervention and to avoid those conditions becoming more serious in later years.
Nip in the Bud have also created a useful podcast that has some good resources about autism, OCD, mental health and well-being. It is useful for both practitioners and families.
Practical advice on supporting your child if they’re anxious or worried about coronavirus, including talking about coronavirus and keeping a structure or routine.
The Park Yoga team have started live-streaming their Sunday morning yoga classes. The sessions are suitable for the whole family, you can tune in live at 9.30am on Sundays, or watch sessions from previous weeks.
See it Differently aims to help parents resolve their conflict in healthier ways. Parents can book a secure web chat with a ‘listener’ to talk about their relationships.
Young Minds has some great resources for supporting young people’s mental health. There’s also an advice page to help those struggling with self-isolation, coronavirus and the impact on mental health and wellbeing.
Educating your Child against Hate – please click here.
Information Covered:
A short booklet and supporting slide pack for parents and carers covering about Prevent
Top Tips Guide for Parents
Parents: Protecting your child from Extremism (2019)
Online Media Literacy Resources
Prevent: An Introduction
Prevent Myth-Buster
Parent Zone Guides
Talking to your teenager about radicalisation
Parent Info
Childnet International
Internet Matters
School Nursing Team
In Addition to the text messaging services listed below, the School Nursing team now also have Social Media pages aimed at Providing Health and Wellbeing information and Signposting for Young people and their Parents/Carers as well as providing updates about what to expect from the School Nursing Team and how to access further advice and support.
Please feel free to also share this information with Parents within your newsletters and Web pages.
Young people aged 11-19 can also seek advice for themselves from a School Nurse via our ChatHealth text messaging service by texting their query to 07480635511. ChatHealth runs Monday to Friday 08:30-4:30 (Excluding Weekends and Bank Holidays).
Young people will receive an immediate bounce-back message to let them know their message has been received by the School Nurse. We aim to respond within 24 working hours.