Physical Education

We want children leaving Bearwood Primary and Nursery school to be able to:

  • Know the importance of being active
  • Know how to take part in a range of different sports
  • Know the positive impact being active has physically and mentally
  • Understand how to perform basic movements and apply these into games
  • Know the rules and tactics of a number of different sports
  • Know how to work effectively as a team and also challenge yourself individually
  • Know the importance and understand how to prepare the body for exercise

Importance to Bearwood Primary and Nursery pupils and local links:

There are many opportunities for children to be active and take part in sports within the local area. Being near the sea, we ensure children take part in swimming lessons and are able to swim unaided for 25m. This also forms part of our safety curriculum by ensuring children are aware of the dangers of water and how they can keep themselves safe. We also have links to Bournemouth AFC who deliver football sessions and build children’s understanding of the benefits of being active.

The Physical Education curriculum aims to encourage children’s love for sports and P.E, preparing them with essential knowledge throughout their education. This begins in EYFS by building the children’s gross and fine motor skills before developing knowledge and understanding of different fundamental movements and sports in KS1 and KS2.

The P.E curriculum is balanced with pupils having the opportunity to develop their understanding of a wide range of sports throughout the year and across year groups. By giving children a broad and varied P.E curriculum, children can discover sports that they can become passionate about and pursue these in the future both at school and outside of school. They can also apply their understanding of rules, strategies and tactics across a range of sports that they take part in.

Each P.E unit is designed to focus on the three areas of motor competence; rules strategies and tactics; and healthy participation with the aim of developing these throughout the unit and over the course of the year. Children will build on their declarative knowledge across a range of different sports by learning the key movements with each session building on the last. Children will also build on their procedural knowledge by building their knowledge of how to perform accurate and efficient movements before applying this in the context of a sport. Whilst children are mastering the motor competence, children will also build on their knowledge of rules, strategies and tactics to allow them to apply their movements into competitive scenarios successfully. By building children’s understanding of health participation, children will know the importance of being active and how they can prepare themselves effectively for P.E and sport.

Unit Map
Concept Map
Swimming award outcomes