Our School Council

At Bearwood School, we value the ideas and opinions of our children. In order to provide a forum for all children to have a ‘voice’ we hold weekly Class Councils. All the children are trained at holding meetings, taking minutes and setting agendas.

We also have a School Council which meets through the year to work on themes raised from Class Councils.

Being a School Council rep is considered to be an important role in our school, thus the children are encouraged to think carefully before committing themselves to a year ‘in office’.

Hustings are held, where the children can explain to their class why they feel they would make a good School Council rep. Elections are then held, with each child being given the opportunity to vote for their chosen candidates.

Impact of the School Council

  • Pupils negotiated with staff about the equipment they could use at lunchtimes and playtimes on the playground.
  • Pupils have been encouraged to think about how they learn.
  • Pupils have become trained playground buddies.
  • Pupils have encouraged children to drink more water and introduced a Bearwood water bottle with the support of the PFA.
  • Pupils organised a ‘Growing Project’ in each class to help children understand more about caring for living things.
  • Pupils explored how children felt about safety in the playground. As a result relationships and strategies were explored in lessons and assemblies, changes were made to adult supervision and a ‘Listening Ear’ box was introduced.

School Council News

Current Year – 2023

School Council Minutes



Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic we have not been able to hold regular meetings since March 2020, we aim
to hold as many as we can when we are able to do so safely.


Spring Term

Autumn Term 
